Insurance provider resources & products

NUC automatically purchases Excess Liability, General Liability, Property, and Volunteer insurance coverage for the entire membership (11,000+) and all properties owned and rented by NUC entities. As long as the rental/lease/usage agreements are signed by NUC’s treasurer.

       Each entity should have an assigned safety officer that:

  • Is familiar with ARM resources (click here)

  • Performs yearly self-inspections using the form provided by ARM on their website. 

  • Coordinates a yearly fire and/or active shooter drill.

“Stand Strong” (Legendado PT-BR) August 2029

  • A package specifically for this event will be created and available for purchase at the beginning of 2029.

  • The package purchased by the local church usually includes medical expenses for loss due to an accident or an emergency illness.

  • Coverage for the actual days of the camporee and an additional seven days for direct travel to and from the camporee location in Gillette, WY

  • Yearly Pathfinder Club insurance, per club, per club participant

  • It should be purchased by the local church.

Because the safety of our children is important to us all, going through the Sterling Volunteers – Child Protection Screening is mandatory for all volunteers and conference-funded employees in our territory.

California locations have stricter background check requirements.

Please, contact Brissa Castillo ( with any questions in this area.


Personal medical insurance is primary.

When an individual is injured during a church/school event and a claim is filed under the umbrella policies, there is usually a limit of $10,000, unless liability is established. This coverage IS NOT expected to cover all the costs for uninsured individuals, but to help in instances where injury occurs.

Please, take into consideration that most state-specific medical insurance coverage only covers medical costs within the state that the coverage was acquired.


Personal auto insurance coverage is always primary.

  • When events require transportation by parents or other adults driving their personal vehicles, state minimum coverage limits are a requirement.

  • We strongly RECOMMEND individuals carry a minimum of $100K/$300K liability limits (employee limits $250K/$500K). We cannot mandate that there be no use of personal vehicles or for non-employees to have specific limits, but we encourage them to be well protected.

  • Absolutely NO 15-passenger vans (wheelbase is greater than 135 inches)! Do not buy, rent, or borrow!


  • DO NOT borrow vehicles from individuals not participating in the trip, instead rent vehicles!

  • If you rent a vehicle for a church/school activity, use the discount codes with rates negotiated by the General Conference.

  • Volunteers should purchase insurance through the rental company. Some credit cards may have additional coverage. Under the NUC Auto Insurance umbrella policy, employees have rental car insurance coverage.

A message from our Treasurer