Couples Retreat 2024

Couple from the Maranatha Las Vegas SDA Church listening attentively during the group activity.

Navigating Emotional Boundaries and Relationships

From May 31st to June 1st, 2024, couples from across the Nevada-Utah Conference gathered in Las Vegas for a transformative retreat focused on strengthening relationships through understanding boundaries, emotional health, and conflict resolution. This event offered those who attended valuable insights into navigating personal, couple, and familial challenges.

Understanding Boundaries

One of the key topics discussed was the difference between a threat and a boundary. Threat is often used as a defensive mechanism during arguments. Healthy boundaries, on the other hand, are essential for personal well-being and are built on trust and respect. Bryan Cafferky, Associate Professor of Counseling and Family Science at Loma Linda University, submits that unlike threats, which create fear and division, healthy boundaries protect our emotional space and ensure mutual respect in relationships.

Bryan Cafferky, Associate Professor of Counseling and Family Science at Loma Linda University, talking about the importance of emotional health from an individual, couple, and family perspective.

Navigating Couples Conflicts

The family dynamics in the Book of Genesis show the importance of navigating through conflicts. Cafferky, who was the keynote speaker at the retreat, used the biblical narrative of Abraham and his descendants to illustrate the importance of finding emotional healing in relationships.  The emotional health of a family can have an impact on future generations. In a couple’s context, participants learned that while it’s important to be aware of their partner’s emotions, they are not responsible for managing them. This distinction helps in fostering a supportive rather than controlling environment.


“Sometimes the healthiest thing to do is to distance yourself from a toxic family member”_______________________________

Family Dynamics and Personal Growth -

Cafferky then highlighted how siblings raised in the same environment can have vastly different experiences. This understanding is crucial for recognizing the unique perspectives and emotional responses each partner brings into the relationship. Joseph’s example was particularly poignant, illustrating how distancing oneself from a toxic family environment can be necessary for personal well-being.


This retreat marks the first couples' retreat hosted by the Nevada-Utah Conference in the past decade. Manny LaPorte, the Family Ministry Director, emphasized that this event is just the beginning. The department has plans for additional retreats for different groups, showing a commitment to supporting families in their journey together.

The couples retreat in Las Vegas provided a supportive environment for couples to explore these complex issues, fostering stronger, more resilient relationships. By understanding boundaries, addressing emotional cut-offs, and navigating conflicts effectively, participants left the retreat, equipped with the tools needed to cultivate healthier, more fulfilling, and Christ-centeredrelationships.


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